There are various types of equipment involves to turn around an aircraft in safe and secure manner. These equipment referred to as Ground Support Equipment (GSE). We will discuss all of them one by one. Your feedback will be appreciated.
Lets start with a picture with different kind of equipment attached with the aircraft.

Dollies : They are used to move unit load devices (ULDs) and/or pallets. They are in rectangular shape with roller on it. Stopper are essential to stop the movement of pallet and intact the consigment place on it.

There are various types of equipment involves to turn around an aircraft in safe and secure manner. These equipment referred to as Ground Support Equipment (GSE). We will discuss all of them one by one. Your feedback will be appreciated.
Lets start with a picture with different kind of equipment attached with the aircraft.
As the name suggests, ground support equipment is there to support the operations of aircraft whilst on the ground. The role of this equipment plays generally involves ground power operations, aircraft mobility and cargo/passenger loading equipment. Safety is a paramount and can not be compromised. Airlines are spending a lot of revenue just to ensure the safety. They are planning different kind of trainings and some of them are mandatory by IATA.
It looks like a tube or telescoping device that connects a passenger aircraft to the terminal building and provides a means for boarding and offloading the passengers. It connect just after engine off and given clearance from the engineer. In short span of time, it has to be connected however normally, it took 5-10 minutes to engage the bridge with aircraft. Aircraft engine need to careof as some of the aircraft are very close to the bridge. There are incidents where bridge hit or even slight touch the engine and aircraft decleared unserviceable or technical or departed with significant delay which affect the airline reputation and incur heavy losses in terms of revenue and misconnected passengers.

High loader is used to load/unload Unit Load
device (ULDs)(containing baggage or cargo) and pallets on wide body aircraft. It is very essential for the loading or unloading of cargo and baggage from the aircraft. This machine connected with the hold of the aircraft and must be serviceable and in good condition. Operator must be very well trained and certified. These trainings are conducted by qualified trainer certified by CAA.
Dollies : They are used to move unit load devices (ULDs) and/or pallets. They are in rectangular shape with roller on it. Stopper are essential to stop the movement of pallet and intact the consigment place on it.
Cargo on pallet and aircraft loading. Maximum 04 pallet or trollies are allowed for the movement at Ramp area. Proper sequence should be followed while offloading or loading in the aircraft. Start offloading of cargo or baggage always from the rear hold or back hold. It is only to avoid tail tipping due to dis-balancing. Like wise loading start from the forward hold.

Pallets and containers are very costly. Staff deputed on loading have to be very careful. Damage containers/pallets might be a security risk to aircraft. It is paramount that all the equipment must be serviceable and in good conditions.
In last picture, you will see different kind of equipment which we will discuss in our upcoming uploads. At the moment we discuss about High loader. you can take a look closely how a cargo is loading into the aircraft in a very efficient and safe manner. But if the controller of the machine is inexperience, it would be a disaster for himself as well as airline. 

Closely watch the above picture, you will see multiple equipment which are necessary during aircraft operations. Ground power provided by CAA also mention in this picture. Why and when it is connected ? Normally it is required when APU is unserviceable or shut down due to saving the fuel. CAA took extra charge for it depends on hourly basis. Ground Handlers do also have the same in a shape of engine moving on a cart.You can see it under the VGDS. Both have the same function but different charges.
Safety cone (orange colour) is mandatory till the aircraft parked. Areas and location have already described in the manual by the airline. These cones are placed just after the engine shut down after arrival and took off before push back of aircraft.
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